Submit to ICA 2025!
With just one month until the deadline, now's the perfect time to submit your work for the 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference in Denver, Colorado, USA from 12-16 June 2025. Don't wait until the last minute!
Call for Papers
Addressing ICA's 75th anniversary, the 2025 conference theme, ICA@75: Disrupting and Consolidating Communication Research, is an invitation to critically reflect on communication studies as a discipline and ICA as an agent and site of disciplinary development. Theme sessions will take stock of our past, critically review present developments, and chart out future avenues for communication research. We particularly welcome contributions speaking to three important aspects of the theme: communication scholarship as a transformative and stabilizing force in society, as a research practice that can be both revolutionary and consolidating, and communication studies as a disrupted and resilient discipline. In all these contexts, elements of disruption and consolidation are not necessarily antithetical but may productively be framed as a dialectical relationship.
PLEASE NOTE: It is very important that you read each Division and Interest Group call carefully. Where there is a difference between Section requirements and ICA guidelines, the ICA guidelines will take precedence. If you have any questions regarding a call for papers, please contact the specific Div/IG Planner.
Submit & Review
You do not have to be an ICA member to submit, but you do need a ScholarOne Abstracts profile. If you created a ScholarOne Abstracts profile last year, you can use the same login information to access the submission system. Our membership database is notlinked to the submission management system. If you have any questions or concerns out accessing or editing your profile, please contact ScholarOne's Help Desk.
Be sure to read the conference guidelines for more tips on how to submit, and check out the tutorial for more information. While submitting, we also recommend signing up to review. All individual submitters are expected to review at least one submission (if applicable). Please declare your interest in being a reviewer by updating your profile in the submission management system. For instructions on how to sign up to review, please visit our reviewer guide.
The submission management system is open from 3 September to 1 November @ 12:00 noon ICA headquarters time (EDT).