Registration Now Open!
We invite you to attend ICA's 75th anniversary conference, ICA@75: Disrupting and Consolidating Communication Research, from 12-16 June 2025 for an intellectually valuable and socially memorable experience. Explore a multitude of networking opportunities with your peers, stay abreast of current research in your area, and even find new areas of interest by exploring one of ICA's 33 divisions/interest groups (and their receptions, of course)! If you cannot attend in person in Denver, ICA-wide sessions (Presidential Address, Fellows' sessions, Theme sessions, interdivisional sessions, etc.) will be held as synchronous hybrid events, so we will happily welcome you as a remote attendee!
Conference registration fees are deeply discounted for ICA members. If you haven't already joined or renewed, do so today to take advantage of the member-discounted registration rate.
+ All pre/postconference registration links are separate from the main conference and are available for registration online. Click here to learn more about a pre- or postconferences.
+ Life/Sustaining Members: Although your conference registration fee is included in your Sustaining or Life membership, you are nonetheless required to complete a conference registration - this helps us have an accurate headcount for catering and other services. Make sure you first log into your profile when registering to access the US$0 rate for your membership type.
+ Please ensure your membership is current to avoid being charged the non-member rate during the conference registration process. If you are not currently a member, we recommend you join as a member before registering for the conference to take advantage of reduced member pricing. Membership plus the discounted conference rate together are more affordable than the nonmember rate on its own. Membership dues are invoiced and processed separately from conference registration in two separate transactions.
Register Today
Visit our Conference Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page and our Conference Website for all of your conference related inquiries.