The International Communication Association's annual election closes at 12:00 noon ICA headquarters time (EDT) on 22 October. The scope of the election includes both association-wide balloting for officers and bylaws changes as well as balloting specific to any Division(s)/Interest Group(s) to which you belong. This is a meaningful opportunity for you to help guide the future of the association and your input is most appreciated.
Learn about the candidates: We are pleased to present the 2024 candidates, scholars who have graciously agreed to serve our community. We invite you to read their individual candidate statements in order to make an informed choice as you cast your vote. Statements are available in PDF format within each ballot and have also been shared on the The Link under Latest News from ICA Headquarters.
How to vote:
- Sign in to your ICA profile.
- Go to the election website (full directions are listed on the page).
- Select the links on the page to vote in the ICA-wide general elections, as well as your corresponding Division/Interest Group election(s).
Vote Now:
Eligibility: All active members of ICA enjoy voting privileges for ICA wide elections. Division/Interest Group elections are limited to the members of each Division/Interest Group. To view your Division/Interest Group membership, please sign in to your ICA profile and view the listing under "Groups" in the left column.
A note on voting engagement and promotion: Official ICA channels of communication can and should be used to promote voter participation, not to advocate for specific candidates. ICA strongly discourages any candidate running for office within the association, or member in general, to use ICA communication channels or platforms, such as The Link or ICA official mailing lists, to solicit the votes of others. Learn more about ICA Elections: Protocol and Practices.
Deadline: The ICA election will close promptly at 12:00 (noon) ICA headquarters time (EDT) on 22 October.
Questions: Please contact Julie Arnold, Director of Governance & Member Services at
Tom Mankowski
Washington DC
United States