My Communities

9 total

ICA Podcasts: Architects of Communication Scholarship  

Architects of Communication Scholarship presents interviews with academic leaders in communication research and the International Communication Association. These scholars talk about their experiences in communication research, their academic backgrounds, how they entered the field and their particular research specialty. These architects of the current state of communication scholarship provide background to our field. They are interviewed by scholars who have worked with and/or are colleagues of the focal scholar.

  last person joined one month ago

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ICA Podcasts: Ask Us Anything  

A podcast discussion and Q&A about issues of interest to ICA members.

  last person joined 9 months ago

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ICA Podcasts: Communicating for Impact  

The Communicating for Impact podcast series dives into communication theory and research-driven findings that have practical applications to everyday life. It will focus on questions about what can be done with communication theory and research findings that challenge how we think about, feel about, and how we create knowledge and strategies concerning challenges we face. Some of these challenges may relate to specific contexts like people who have suffered trauma, and other challenges may center around what to do and say when confronted with conversational and identity dilemmas. It will feature scholars from outside of North America and from the rich diversity in North America.

  last person joined 15 days ago

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ICA Podcasts: Digital Alchemy  

Digital Alchemy explores the transformative work of digital organizers, activists, and academics.

  last person joined 2 years ago

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ICA Podcasts: Feminist Networks and the Conjuncture  

A podcast discussing the importance of feminist networks and solidarities in the current conjuncture.

  last person joined 4 months ago

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ICA Podcasts: Growing Up Comm  

This podcast series - hosted by the Student and Early Career Advisory Council (SECAC) - seeks to present on a range of topics, those unique and not so unique to the student and early career experience around the world. Our esteemed guests have already and/or are currently navigating similar topics providing listeners with fun anecdotes, plenty of lessons learned, and even some laughs along the way. We hope this series will be valuable to all across the career spectrum!

  last person joined 9 months ago

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ICA Podcasts: Interventions from the Global South  

A podcast exploring how we develop the habits of listening to the voices of community organizers, activists, and intellectuals from/of the Global South imagining different worlds.

  last person joined 15 days ago

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ICA Podcasts: JCMC: The Discussion Section  

The JCMC podcast is where Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Nicole Ellison and her guests will discuss scholarship about computer-mediated communication in its various forms as well as related topics such as how we develop as communication technology scholars, mentors, and good citizens of the broader community. She will be joined periodically by two of JCMC’s Associate Editors, Scott Campbell and Lee Humphreys, who will focus on topics such as diversifying the field and mobile studies scholarship. We won’t limit ourselves just to JCMC papers and authors, although the topics we cover will be closely related to the key ideas, challenges, and opportunities in the study of CMC and beyond.

  last person joined one year ago

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ICA Podcasts: One World, One Network ‽  

A podcast discussing the 72nd Annual ICA conference theme.

  last person joined 8 months ago

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