
  • We are pleased to announce the location for ICA26: Cape Town, South Africa!

    We are pleased to announce the location for ICA26: Cape Town, South Africa!

  • Pre-Conference in Media & Communication in Global Latinidades Program

    (Posted on behalf of Miriam Hernandez, Assistant Professor, CSU Dominguez Hills)

    Hello ICA community, 

    Here is our program for the Pre-Conference in Media & Communication in Global Latinidades! It'll take place on June 18 (in the Americas)/June 19 in Australia. It's free, online and fabulous! You can check the program and register here: 

    Safe travels and/or see you online! 

    Media & Communication in Global Latinidades

    Pre-Conference Organizing Team
    Miriam Hernandez
    Assistant Professor
    CSU Dominguez Hills
    Carson CA
    United States

  • Email SPAM and Phishing Season #ICA24

    This is a friendly reminder that each year, leading up to our annual conference, there is an increase in SPAM and phishing emails from those purporting to be ICA Staff. Unfortunately, there is very little we can do about this, other than be vigilant.

    A few things to remember:

    • Scammers often prey on trust and urgency, so always verify the authenticity of any email before taking action.
    • The International Communication Association will only contact you through the email addresses for official correspondence. Any communication purportedly from ICA staff, but originating from a different domain should be treated with suspicion.
    • ICA has a strict policy against selling member, convention, exhibitor, or social media lists. We do not sell lists. If you receive an offer claiming to provide such lists, it's a scam.
    • Eun-Ju, ICA President, does not need you to immediately pay $5,000 to ensure the ICA doors stay open.
    • Fake Claes, Fake Laura or any other alleged member of the Executive Committee do not need you to pay them $7,500 because Eun-Ju is away.
    • While I used AI to write this post as 'an expert in identity theft', be wary of any ‘staff’ messages not posted from official ICA accounts.

    "By staying informed and discerning, we can safeguard ourselves and our communities from falling victim to these fraudulent schemes." - AI Tom

  • #ICA24 Lodging (7 May)

    If you’re still looking for lodging in Gold Coast, we have some rooms available to sell in the housing block for #ICA24 as some attendees have adjusted their stays in various directions. Rooms currently available: Star Grand (19 rooms), Sofitel (25 rooms), and The Star Residences (3 apartments). If you’ve booked elsewhere, but want to shift into the block to be closer, we would love to welcome you!

  • Curated Tours Kiff+Culture: #ICA24

    From kayaking to luxury beach or winery multi-day stays, to nature walks and mountain hikes, from the hinterland to Byron Bay, Queensland has so much more to offer than just what you'll experience while in Gold Coast for #ICA24! A sampling of types of tours (outside of the curated packages from the conference itself) can be found here: 

  • Family Time Suggestions: #ICA24

    Bringing the whole family to #ICA24? We have some amazing suggestions for you, for before or after the conference! Check out the family experiences provided by Kiff+Culture, our official tour provider, here: From koalas and kangaroos to hiking and biking, there's no limit to the family-friendly adventures in Queensland. 

  • Indigenous Aboriginal Culture: #ICA24 Kiff+Culture Tours

    If you're interested in learning more about indigenous Aboriginal culture while you're in Australia for #ICA24--whether it's indigenous artists or a hike and tasting featuring bush tucker, our tour partner Kiff+Culture offers extensive cultural experiences with indigenous guides in Gold Coast and throughout Queensland. 

    Click here for more information:

  • Destination: Scenic Rim #ICA24

    The Gold Coast, home of #ICA24, isn't the only destination in beautiful Queensland - check out the options in the Scenic Rim, including multi-day winery tours and Tambourine Mountain, here:

  • Destination: Noosa #ICA24

    Traveling after ICA24? Check out the options in Noosa here, from ICA's official local tour provider, Kiff+Culture: Noosa tours:
  • Destination: Brisbane #ICA24

    The Gold Coast, home of #ICA24, isn't the only destination in beautiful Queensland - check out the options in Brisbane here: 

    Brisbane tours:

    From ICA's official local tour provider, Kiff+Culture

  • Destination Queensland. From ICA's official local tour provider, Kiff+Culture

    Once you've checked out our #ICA24 tour offerings in Gold Coast, don't forget that GC isn't the only destination in Queensland!

    From Brisbane to Noosa, from aboriginal lands and indigenous culture to helicopter sightseeing, Queensland has so much to offer! Click here for other offerings in Queensland from our official local tour provider, Kiff+Culture.

  • BEA 2024: Booth B110 (13-16 April, Las Vegas, US)

    ICA staff will be attend the Broadcast Education Association Annual Conference. If you are in attendance, stop by Booth B110 and let us know.

    BEA2024: Media-Related Research, Creative Work, Panels & Workshops
    13-16 April  | Las Vegas

  • ICA24 Black Scholars' Noirée Evite: Saturday, 222 June 2024

    Back for its second year, the ICA Black Scholars' Noirée celebrates Black communication scholars' contributions to the field and to our community with drinks, canapes, and desserts provided by ICA. 

    Cohosted this year by @msand37 and Laura Sawyer, ICA's Executive Director.

    In the words of original ICA22 Paris Noirée host @dfreelon, "Anyone who would be comfortable in a room full of overeducated Black people is welcome."

    Saturday 22, June 2024 from 9:00 - 10:45pm

    Convention Center - Upper Floor Foyer E+F

    Please RSVP here: 

  • NEW DEADLINE (15 Feb 2024): ICA Preconference "Whose News is It"?

    *Whose News is It? Assessing the Role and Influence of International Media Assistance in Defining the News Agenda*

    This preconference is now a hybrid event and has a new abstract submission deadline of 15 February 2024.


    *Call for papers*


    This preconference explores "International Media Assistance Influence on the News Agenda" on a global scale. We seek to debate the question, "Whose news is it?", fostering deeper understanding of the nature and role of foreign media assistance. We hope to attract researchers and practitioners to construct a more comprehensive framework for critical analysis and empirical examination of media funding and its implications. Ultimately, the goal is to exchange and disseminate research illuminating the multifaceted aspects of foreign media funding from an interdisciplinary perspective.


    A significant portion of global international development assistance has been dedicated to enhancing the capacity of societies to deliver news and investigative journalism. This aid and investment has sought to foster journalism in often hostile environments where governance and economic conditions create barriers to the existence and operation of independent media. Over the years, media assistance programs have allocated substantial resources to support media organizations and individual journalists operating in diverse countries (Requejo Alemán 2011, 2013). This backing has played a crucial role in filling the void left by traditional journalism business models, primarily rooted in analogue environments reliant on advertising which has massively declined. A report by the Centre for International Media Assistance in 2018 estimated that approximately $600 million annually is directed towards media development in Africa, coming from both state and private donors (CIMA 2022). One could argue that this figure might even be higher, considering the undisclosed amounts spent by China on global media operations and training.


    In recent years, funders and researchers have increasingly collaborated to evaluate the impact of media development assistance (Becker et al. 2019; Benequista et al. 2022). Meanwhile, some scholars have delved into how the influx of foreign funding affects the development of an independent media sector in the Global South (Paterson, Gadzekpo, and Wasserman 2018) and how foundation funding influences the "boundaries of journalism" (Wright, et al, 2019). Notably, China has made substantial investments in the development and influence of media in Africa and Latin America, channelling resources into media infrastructure and training (Kalathil 2017; Myers, Dietz, and Frère 2014). Furthermore, other nation-states and media corporations like Google, along with private foundations, have directed resources into journalism initiatives. Despite comprehensive criticism of media assistance, many argue that investigative journalism in numerous regions around the world would cease to exist without the foreign support it receives, even as they express concerns about maintaining colonial dependencies, neo-imperialism, and alignment with donor priorities (Requejo-Alemán and Lugo-Ocando 2014; Wright, Scott, and Bunce 2019).


    While extensive research has been conducted on the impacts and influences of foreign assistance on media in Africa (e.g., Wasserman and Madrid-Morales, 2018), Latin America (e.g., Morales and Menechelli, 2022), and the Arab World (e.g., Bebawi, 2016), the growing role of the Asia-Pacific region as a site of East-West tension calls for exploration of foreign journalism funding in this area. This region has increasingly become a battleground for geopolitical struggles where all participants aim to project soft power and influence. The objectives and outcomes of media development aid have been examined in special issues (Higgins, 2015; Paterson et al, 2018; Olmedo Salar & Lugo-Ocando. 2018) and in various books (Becker, et al, 2019; Lugo-Ocando, 2020), and are the focus of an IAMCR working group.


    With this context in mind, this call for papers seeks to inspire discussions and identify the fundamental elements and issues that define the role of media assistance and account for its role, nature, and influences. The potential outcomes include the creation of a journal special edition featuring papers presented at the pre-conference, and/or the development of an edited book. Acceptance into the preconference does not determine acceptance into any subsequent publication.


    Those interested in submitting abstracts should draw from, though not be limited to, these questions and issues:


       * What is the current state of media assistance in the Global South?

       * Is media assistance in the Asia-Pacific still relevant in the

         post-Cold War era?

       * Who are the primary donors and recipients of media assistance?

       * How does media assistance influence news agendas?

       * What distinctions exist in the goals and outcomes of private versus

         public media assistance?

       * Is media assistance a form of media co-option?

       * What is the relationship between media assistance, soft power, and

         geopolitical or ideological conflicts?

       * How is the reporting of climate change and other global crisis

         affected by donor funding?

       * In which ways is (covert) media assistance framed and articulated?

       * How can media assistance be mobilised to engage and bolster the full

         spectrum alternative voices at the margins?

       * What are the historical contexts of media assistance programs and

         the issues they address?


    Please send a 300-word abstract to and by midnight GMT on 15 February 2024.

    Decisions will be communicated by 29 February 2024.


    This hybrid preconference will take place Thursday, 20 June from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) and will include online presentations.  Online presenters or attendees are required to register.  Registration details will be posted at


    Hosted by the Global Communication and Social Change division of ICA and organised by:


    Susan Abbott, Saba Bebawi, Jairo Lugo-Ocando, Winston Mano, viola milton, Pablo Morales, Chris Paterson, Herman Wasserman

    Lea Hellmueller
    City, University of London


  • The Museum of Public Relations 9th Annual Celebrating Black PR History Event (Live/Webinar)

    Where Are All the Black Men in Public Relations?

    9th Annual Celebrating Black PR History event
    Thursday, February 15, 2024, 6pm ET

    This is a HYBRID event, taped before a live audience, followed by a networking reception. It is also accessible via Zoom.

    You must be registered to attend.

    REGISTER HERE TO ATTEND LIVE | Admission to attend the live event: $25; Student: $10
    REGISTER HERE FOR ZOOM | Attend via Zoom: Free

    Ninety years ago, the first African American man opened a public relations agency in the extraordinarily competitive New York market. Despite dealing with the Depression—and despite his race—Joseph Varney Baker thrived for decades by representing national corporations reaching out to the burgeoning Black middle class in the North. While several Black men over the decades followed successfully in Baker's footsteps, primarily as entrepreneurs, Black men today are all but absent inside today's agencies and corporate communications departments, and Black entrepreneurs are few and far between.

    This intergenerational panel will discuss the real life issues affecting Black men today, with a focus on developing strategies to attract more Black men into the industry, especially when the number of men of all ethnicities is nearing record lows.  

    HOST Dr. Chuck Wallington, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Cone Health

    David W. Brown, Assistant Dean of Community and Communication, Temple University

    Brandon Thomas, Executive Vice President, Freuds Group

    Emmanuel Reid, Account Executive, Ogilvy Chicago

    Devon Jackson, Senior Account Supervisor, EGAMI Group

    CLOSING Touré Burgess, VP of Operations; Chair, Black Men in Communications, VP, Operations, Black Public Relations Society New York

  • International Communication Association: France Chapter Kick Off

    The International Communication Association France Chapter kicks off today. @Claes De Vreese and @Noshir Contractor are in France for this important milestone. 

    "The French chapter is a recent edition to the ICA family and internationalization efforts.  Daniel Raichvarg extends local welcome and shares the ambitions of the chapter.

    Congratulations to the participating research communities."

    ICA Chapters: 

    #icacommunity  #ica24 #icafrance

  • Call for Abstracts/Papers: Special issue of Human Communication Research: Communication and the Self

    Call for Abstracts/Papers: Special issue of Human Communication Research:

    Communication and the Self

    Guest Editors

    Markus Appel, University of Würzburg

    Amanda Holmstrom, Michigan State University

    The study of communication as it relates to the self boasts a rich scholarly history. Dating back over a century, this research encompasses a wide range of theories and concepts (e.g., social identity, self-knowledge, self-disclosure, self-presentation) that describe and explain how individuals think, feel, and communicate about themselves. The rise of digital technologies, ranging from social media to virtual reality and artificial intelligence, has introduced new dimensions to the study of communication and the self. At the same time, communication researchers are faced with new challenges as family structures and societies continue to evolve. Given the rich, yet often fragmented nature of the literature, it is a fitting time for a special issue dedicated to work that sheds light on the multifaceted ways in which communication both influences and reflects aspects of the self in online and offline contexts. 

    For this special issue, authors are invited to submit theoretically-informed proposals that enhance our insight and understanding of the study of communication as it relates to the self. We encourage proposals focusing on a wide range of social, relational, cultural, and organizational contexts from various theoretical traditions. For instance, topics could include (but are not limited to) empirical inquiries or essays on (a) communication and the formation of cultural and social identities; (b) interpersonal interactions that contribute to the development and/or maintenance of the self-concept and/or self-esteem; (c) the role of culture in self-presentation; (d) stories and the self; (e) intersections between the self and social media/online interactions; (f) the role of the self in interactions in virtual realities, with AI, or with robots; and g) self-related questions in applied settings (e.g., organizational communication; health communication). We encourage proposals from a variety of scholarly areas and welcome all methodological approaches.

    Both empirical research reports and theoretical or conceptual essays are welcome. For the proposal, authors should submit an extended abstract no later than March 1, 2024. Extended abstracts should consist of no more than 1,000 words (not including references).  For quantitative and qualitative empirical research papers, the extended abstract should highlight the theoretical rationale and focus of the proposed project as well as the manner in which the findings will contribute to the focus of the special issue. For theoretical or conceptual essays, the extended abstract should clearly state the topic of inquiry and elaborate on the conceptual, theoretical, and applied contribution of the proposed essay. After a review of the extended abstracts, selected authors will be invited to complete a final manuscript. Final manuscripts will undergo peer review. Page limits and other parameters for the complete paper will be allocated at the time of invitation.

    In addition to our emphasis on methodological pluralism and a variety of scholarly areas and contexts of inquiry, we also hope for submissions that reflect global experiences. Authors for whom English is not a primary language are welcome to contact the guest editors to learn about programs and services to support research endeavors.

    For questions, please contact the guest editors, Dr. Markus Appel ( and Dr. Amanda Holmstrom ( Proposal submissions (i.e., extended abstracts) should be submitted to the guest editors by March 1, 2024, via the following link:

    The proposed timeline for the publication process is as follows: 

    3/1/2024:  Deadline for abstract submission

    4/1/2024: Notification to authors (i.e., in terms of who will be invited to submit full manuscripts)

    7/1/2024:  Deadline for full manuscript submission (for those authors whose abstract is accepted)

    9/15/2024: Deadline for sending reviewer feedback/final decision to authors

    11/15/2024: Deadline for revised/final manuscript submission by authors

    1/31/2025: Final copy of special issue sent to OUP

    4/5/2025: Special issue published online (vol. 51, issue #2)

  • ICA Awards Nominations Deadline 31 January

    One of the most important and exciting things we do as an academic community is to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our members. Association-wide awards are designed to distinguish the very best work across our broad range of Divisions and Interest Groups, regional affiliations, and methodological perspectives. I hope that you will consider nominating a deserving colleague. Only with your effort can we assure that nominees represent the very best in our field.

    The five ICA Awards include:

    • Applied Research Award
    • B. Aubrey Fisher Mentorship Award
    • Outstanding Article Award
    • Steven H. Chaffee Career Achievement Award
    • Early Career Scholar Award

    While preparing your nomination materials, be sure to check the General Nomination Guidelines:, as well as award specific guidelines here:

    Deadline for ICA Awards nominations: 31 January at 12:00 Noon ICA Headquarters time (EST).

    Nominate an award:

  • ICA-CURATED #ICA24 TOUR EXPERIENCES are ready for booking!

    All tours are in $AUD and  are open to all ICA 2024 delegates as well as guests. There is a 30% discount on all tour experiences if you sign up before January 31st!
    For more information, click here:
  • ICA in Africa Regional Conf: De-Centering International Communication Studies: African Perspectives

    De-Centering International Communication Studies: African Perspectives

    ICA in Africa Regional Conference

    16-18 November 2023

    University of Cape Town & Stellenbosch University 

    Link to Youtube:

  • ICA Book Awards Nominations Deadline 6 December 2023

    The ICA Book Award nominations are open!

    Please submit a nomination between now and 6 December at 12:00 Noon ICA Headquarters Time (EST).

    • The Outstanding Book Award - The selection committee judges each nominated book on several criteria including the importance of the problem it addresses to the fields represented in ICA and to communication studies as a whole, the quality of writing and argument, and the strength of evidence it presents. The committee will consider all the available book reviews, the reputation of the publisher, and any other submitted evidence regarding the book's quality from independent sources, along with nominating letters and their own assessment of the nominated books.
    • The Fellows Book Award - Open to all ICA members, this award recognizes those books that have made a substantial contribution to the scholarship of the communication field as well as the broader rubric of the social sciences and have stood some test of time.

    If you would like to nominate a book for either the Outstanding Book Award or Fellows Book Award for 2024, please visit our award page for the nomination links. Award winners will be recognized during the 74th Annual ICA Conference. Learn more at .

    nominate a book
  • ICA in Africa Regional Conference starts today! 16-18 November 2023

    ICA in Africa Regional Conference starts today!

    16-18 November 2023
    University of Cape Town & Stellenbosch University | SOUTH AFRICA

    The conference theme is “De-centering international communication studies: African perspectives”.

    The conference theme builds on the imperative to de-Westernize communication studies that has been a concern in global communication scholarship for over a decade. This imperative has intensified in recent years as a result of calls to ‘decolonize’ communication scholarship by engaging with historical and contemporary power asymmetries in knowledge production.

    The theme invites contributions that will prompt participants to think through these imperatives from an African vantage point. The rationale is not to merely provide a platform for research on communication practices, norms and ideologies (as these are found on the African continent), but rather to use African viewpoints and experiences as a lens on global debates. Thus, the conference will seek to provide a platform from where global communication scholarship is interrogated and African scholars can ‘speak back’ to and disrupt the metropolitan centres of knowledge production.

    The act of ‘looking back’ at the European and colonial is not only looking back at but also looking back into the past. How can African scholars reorient the idea of Africa being the ground of case studies to test European theories? How can historical materials – archival or ‘rediscovered’ texts – support future research and innovation, and how can the reflective align with the prospective? How can new theories and models from Africa and the diaspora influence global perspectives?

    This reflection on African viewpoints on global issues takes place at the juncture of several contemporary moments of crisis. Africa and the rest of the Global South are disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis and pandemics. Geopolitical tensions reverberate through African economies while armed conflicts on the continent often go unnoticed or neglected in news media discourses. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the Global South disproportionately due to vaccine nationalism and maximalist approaches to intellectual property, while theoretical models seeking to explain the mitigation of disinformation and the development of health communication strategies often remain rooted in the contextual conditions of the Global North.

    The University of Cape Town (UCT) and Stellenbosch University (SU) are appropriate locations from which to interrogate questions of decoloniality in communication scholarship. UCT is the site of the #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall student protests, which sparked an international student protest movement calling for the decolonization of curricula and the broadening of access to higher education. Likewise, at SU the #OpenStellenbosch movement opened up debates about the role of public universities in a transforming democracy. A great deal of this activism was mediated. At Stellenbosch 

    University the fallist movement also generated a lot of support and helped to initiate change. However, racist human rights abuses that occurred on campus in 2022 opened up wounds and led to the constitution of a commission led by Justice Sisi Khampepe to conduct an independent enquiry into allegations of racism at Stellenbosch University (SU), serving as a reminder of the incomplete work of decolonisation at Higher Education institutions. The ICA in Africa regional conference offers opportunities for engagement with scholars, students and public intellectuals from around the continent to debate these important and topical issues.

    Papers and panels could address the following themes:

    • Theories and praxis of decolonisation

    • Decolonising pedagogy

    • Political economy of knowledge production

    • Intellectual property, platforms and access to knowledge

    • African perspectives on internationalising communication studies

    • The African archive

    • Journalism in Africa

    • Digital media ecologies & practices in Africa

    • African screen cultures

    • Streaming platforms and African audiences/texts

    • Representations of Africa (including branding, marketing, etc)

    • Social change communication, social justice and activism

    • Africa and the climate crisis

    • Freedom of expression

    • Attacks on and threats to journalism

    • Trolling, cyber misogyny and doxxing

    • Disinformation, populism and xenophobia

  • NCA 109th Annual Convention: November 16-19, 2023

    Attending NCA? Bring a non-ICA member by our booth for a chance to win a US$50 gift card to the ICA store (OR) a free conference registration for ICA24.

    Exhibit Hours
    Wednesday - 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
    Thursday - 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
    Friday - 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM

  • The annual ICA election has closed

    The annual ICA election has closed; thank you to all the candidates and to all those that voted.  The results are expected to be announced by headquarters via socials & email early next week.
  • ScholarOne Abstracts Outage 21 September

    Our submission managements system, ScholarOne Abstracts will undergo scheduled maintenance and will be unavailable on Thursday, 21 September from 4:00 pm EDT through 7:00 pm EDT.

  • The ICA Book Award nominations are now open!

    The ICA Book Award nominations are now open!
    Please submit a nomination by 6 December at 12:00 Noon ICA Headquarters Time (EST).
    For more information click here:
  • #ICA23 Conference Center’s Sustainability Initiatives

    The two venues for #ICA24 are connected by a pedestrian bridge and are both recognized as “environmental champions.”
    You can view the conference center’s sustainability initiatives here, and the sustainability page for our headquarters hotel here: